About me
Well, apparently every artist website that I've looked at has an artist biography section.
This is the part where I have to talk about myself and to be honest, it doesn't interest me,
but here it goes.....
I was born, raised and still call St. John's, Newfoundland home.
As a kid I doodled and drew pictures of various things but never took a serious interest in art.
After high school I completed the 3 year Automotive Marketing Program from Georgian College in Barrie, Ontario
and continued to earn my dual major Bachelor of Business Degree from Northwood University, Texas Campus
majoring in Automotive Marketing and Management.
Upon returning home I began work in the family automotive business and through a few ownership changes
have been there ever since, over 30 years now.
Currently I am the New Vehicle Sales Manager at Toyota Plaza.
Since then I got myself married and now have three beautiful girls that wrap me around their fingers.
Any business sense I have, I get from my father. Any artistic ability I have comes from my mother and her side of the family.
The Pinsent's are a very talented bunch and having two uncles that are also artists doesn't hurt.
In January 1999 I decided to give painting a try and enrolled with renowned Newfoundland artist Ed Roche
and have been attending classes with him ever since.
The "Thursday Nighters" as we are called are a fantastic group of artists that are a joy to be around and inspire me constantly.
My other interests are wide and varied.
I love golf, salmon fishing, fly tying, music, photography and film making.
I enjoy a good project, develop a great idea, plan and execute.
As far as my painting style goes, I prefer realism and as you can probably see from my work am detail driven.
Sometimes the pursuit for that perfection is crippling but it's all I know.
I am trying to loosen up some but I find it incredibly difficult.
It's a minor struggle, I know.
Moving forward I want to continue to get better and keep learning.
I am very fortunate to be living in Newfoundland and Labrador with all its natural beauty and deep history to inspire me.
It makes me proud to be local artist.